McCain’s differences with the Democrats

McCain’s differences with the Democrats February 8, 2008

Some conservatives, including some of you commenters on this blog, are saying that there is no difference between John McCain and the Democrats, that we will, in effect, have a liberal administration no matter who wins.But consider this from  William J. Bennett & Seth Leibsohn, an epic catalog of specific battles that the presumptive Republican nominee has had with liberals in general and Democrats in particular. And these are on hugely important issues: McCain has been consistently pro-life, pro-military, and–his big issue–anti-government spending.

When the battle is joined between the two party’s nominees, the differences will sharpen. McCain would do what President Bush did not do–and for which conservatives have turned on him–namely, get federal spending under control. That long-forgotten conservative principle, in turn, will shrink the power of the central government in a significant way.

I’m afraid the campaign will, in fact, be about Democrat’s promises of huge new spending programs vs. McCain’s calls for fiscal restraint. And you know what side the general public, including many who have been calling themselves conservatives, will go for.

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