California outlawing homeschooling?

California outlawing homeschooling? March 7, 2008

A California appeals court has ruled that children must be educated by a state-credentialed teacher and NOT by their parents! See Homeschoolers’ setback in appeals court ruling:

“California courts have held that … parents do not have a constitutional right to homeschool their children,” Justice H. Walter Croskey said in the 3-0 ruling issued on Feb. 28. “Parents have a legal duty to see to their children’s schooling under the provisions of these laws.” Parents can be criminally prosecuted for failing to comply, Croskey said.

Go to The Home School Legal Defense Association for breaking news, analysis, the chance to sign a petition, and information about what may be done. (The HSLDA and Patrick Henry College where I teach share facilities. I’ll try to monitor this and keep you posted.)

UPDATE: Read the HSLDA response and the litigation being prepared.

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