An Obama presidency

An Obama presidency October 9, 2008

What do you think an Obama presidency will–or would–be like? Keep in mind that the Democrats would control not only the presidency but the House and the Senate so will pretty much be able to do whatever they want. Keep in mind too that the age of Obama will also mean that his supporters in the media, the universities, and Hollywood will be ascendant. (Before, this cultural-elite cast themselves as political outsiders, criticizing and making fun of the government from the outside. Now they will be the insiders defending that government. Imagine how this will change the Daily Show!)

I do think an Obama presidency will create a certain kind of national unity. It would be great if it could put our country’s racial divisions behind us. I do think an Obama presidency would make the world like us again. But what else?

I’d like to hear from Obama supporters, as well as his critics. I’d like to hear best case scenarios as well as worst case scenarios.

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