Senate investigating which college football team should be #1

Senate investigating which college football team should be #1 March 27, 2009

Turning its attention away from trivial issues such as the economy, bailouts, overseas contingencies, and fundamental shifts in American principles, the Senate is finally addressing something of national concern: Who gets to be #1 in college football. The Senate Judiciary subcommittee on Antitrust will be interrogating the BCS system of polls and bowl games that ends with the naming of the national champion. Heading the drive to make the system “more fair” is Republican Orrin Hatch of Utah, a state with an undefeated university whose team did not get to play in the championship game.

There are other inequities in America’s games. I think Congress should also do something about the real estate market in Monopoly. It’s not fair that Boardwalk gets to charge such high rent. And people who are unable to pay when they land on someone else’s property should have access to low interest loans from Fannie Mae.

I’m also personally offended at the number of tall people in the NCAA basketball tournament. Surely Congress should require teams to be more inclusive of Short-Americans.

What other games demand government action?

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