And now, polygamy

And now, polygamy April 17, 2009

The Supreme Court of Canada is going to take up a case that might decide the legality of polygamy. Having already legalized gay marriage, Canada may find it difficult to draw the line at polygamy. The desire to accommodate Muslims, especially the large number if Islamic immigrants, could also bode well for legalizing this practice.

I certainly oppose polygamy. Here, though, the Biblical argument may be harder to make than against gay marriage. Having many wives was permitted in Old Testament times, and the only mention in the New Testament, I believe, would prevent a polygamist from being a pastor or other church leader. If marriage is a kingdom-of-the-left, cultural issue, should missionaries in Africa insist, as they do, that polygamist men who convert to Christianity put away all but one wife? What would be a good argument against legalizing polygamy if and when that issue hits the courts in the new-marriage-climate of the United States? And is there any way to avoid legalized polygamy once we legalize gay marriage?

HT: Scottish Lutheran

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