Horrors in Haiti

Horrors in Haiti January 15, 2010

Just 750 miles from the U.S.A., the people of Haiti are enduring more horrors in the aftermath of the earthquake:

Tens of thousands of people are facing a second catastrophe tonight as they struggled for survival on the devastated island of Haiti.

With no food, no water and no shelter, aid agencies were in a desperate race against time to save the victims of the earthquake.  Witnesses described gutters running with blood and children sleeping among heaps of dead bodies after becoming separated from their parents.

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via Haiti earthquake: 16 Brits missing as horrifying new pictures reveal extent of destruction | Mail Online.

UPDATE: Now looting has broken out, and gangs of young men with machetes are fighting over food. See this. Local authority has ceased to exist. Disaster is followed by anarchy, which can be even worse.

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