Scott Brown reconsidered

Scott Brown reconsidered January 21, 2010

Now that Scott Brown has taken away the Massachusetts Senate seat from the Democrats, he is being hailed as the savior of the Republican party and his tactics will be imitated across the land. Namely, hit economic responsibility hard, but stay away from social and moral issues. That’s also what Bob McDonnell did to win the governorship in Virginia. But he is at least pro-life. Brown is pro-death, being in favor of legalized abortion. I worry that in the current Republican euphoria, the abortion issue might fade away.

I also suspect that Brown will all of a sudden become the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination. But haven’t we already had a state legislator with a single term in the Senate, during most of which time he was running for president? How do Republicans think that turned out?

It has been observed that the qualities that can get a candidate elected are not necessarily the same qualities necessary for effective governing. Americans need to start making that distinction.

At any rate, I’m glad for Senator-elect Brown. His victory will put the Republicans back in the game. Even though he is pro-abortion, the party as a whole is not, so this counts as a good thing for the pro-life movement, since a Senate filibuster can now block anti-life laws. So good on him. But Republicans need to resist the temptation to turn Brown into a template.
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