Book bombing “Spirituality of the Cross”

Book bombing “Spirituality of the Cross” February 15, 2010

On Saturday, I posted something about the release of the new revised version of my book Spirituality of the Cross, in which I told about the changes, explained what I was trying to do, and said a few things about how the book has reached people. Among the kind comments was this from A.D.P.:

Are you planning a “book bomb”, or should I just get it whenever? (Book bomb= everyone buys it on Amazon on the same day in order to boost it in the ratings and hopefully go viral).

I had never heard of the term “book bomb” before, but it’s a good addition to my vocabulary. The concept, of course, we have tried out on this blog with Lars Walker’s West Oversea: and John Kleinig’s Grace Upon Grace. Bombing those books actually had great effect.

I feel weird pushing my own books, but I guess somebody has to. Since this was A.D.P.’s idea and if you really want to, bomb my book:

Click Spirituality of the Cross

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