A book that changed your life

A book that changed your life April 22, 2010

Booklover raised the ante on yesterday’s post about books that have influenced your political beliefs, asking if a book CHANGED your views, or just confirmed what you already believed. Let’s ramp it up even more: Has there been a book that changed your life in some way? Let’s not limit it to politics or ideology. Has a book changed your faith or your theology? Your approach to your family, your work, your everyday life? Not counting the Bible.

I’ll go first. C. S. Lewis’s “Mere Christianity,” which I read as a high schooler, made me realize that maybe there is something to this Christianity. Having grown up in mainline liberal Protestantism, I had never even heard that Jesus was God in the flesh. Nor did I know of any other historic Christian doctrines. That book started me on a long road.

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