Big night for conservative women

Big night for conservative women June 9, 2010

Yesterday featured a primary election throughout the country.  Many incumbents, though not all, were voted down by their own party members.  The tea-party of conservative populists scored big.  The tea-party equivalent on the left seeking to defeat Democratic moderates didn’t do so well:  Arkansas incumbent senator Blanche Lincoln turned back an opponent heavily funded by labor unions.  Conservative women in general were the big winners of the night.

Nikki Haley has won more votes than the incumbent in a vicious race for governor in South Carolina, though she faces a run-off.  A woman will run against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in Nevada, though it isn’t clear which of two that will be.  Ebay CEO Meg Whitman may be the Republican running for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s office in California.

How do you account for the success of conservative women in today’s politics?  Aren’t liberals supposed to be the ones who are all feminist about everything?

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