Evangelical college picks Catholic President

Evangelical college picks Catholic President August 24, 2010

The King’s College has selected Dinesh D’Souza as its new president.  The New York City school, which is housed in the Empire State Building, was founded by Campus Crusade for Christ and is a conservative evangelical college–a pretty good one, I might add.  The thing is, Mr. D’Souza, a popular conservative author and think tank scholar, is a Roman Catholic.  Do you think an evangelical college can have a Catholic president?  Can a  college be “Christian” in a sense that can embrace both Protestantism and Catholicism?  Would the Catholics deny that the Protestants are members of the Church, and the Protestants deny that the Catholics have faith in the Gospel?  Or is this a great idea whose time has come?

I wish the best for Mr. D’Souza and the college, where WORLD editor Marvin Olasky is the Provost.  Do you think this rather bold experiment will work?

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