Book burning

Book burning September 8, 2010

More reckless fanaticism, this time from a tiny congregation that plans on publicly burning a Koran:

Gen. David Petraeus, head of Multinational Forces in Afghanistan, repeated his warning Tuesday that any plans to burn the Muslim holy book — considered a major offense in the Islamic community — would jeopardize U.S. military efforts.

But Terry Jones, pastor of the 50-member Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla., says not even protests and death threats will deter him. He told that he and the church’s members feel strongly about their decision to hold the book burning despite being denied a permit from the fire department.

“We understand the general’s concerns, we are taking those into consideration,” Jones was quoted saying. “We feel it’s maybe the right time for America to stand up. How long are we going to bow down? How long are we going to be controlled by the terrorists, by radical Islam?”

On Tuesday, Petraeus said that even rumors of the possibility the church would hold a Koran-burning touched off protests in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Indonesia.

“Images of the burning of a Koran would undoubtedly be used by extremists in Afghanistan — and around the world — to inflame public opinion and incite violence,” Petraeus said. “Were the actual burning to take place, the safety of our soldiers and civilians would be put in jeopardy and accomplishment of the mission would be made more difficult.”

via – State Department Calls Plan to Burn Korans ‘Un-American’.

So why do that?  I’m not denying their First Amendment right to do it, just saying that it shows horribly bad judgment. As General Petraeus says, it will only thwart American policies and probably get more of our troops killed. Can anyone doubt that?

Yes, divination books were burned as recorded in Acts, but that is in no way parallel.  That was done by Christian converts as an act of turning away from their earlier involvement with the occult.  Yes, Luther burned the papal bull that was issued against him, but that’s not parallel either.  (Meanwhile, all of Luther’s books were ordered to be burned in the nations loyal to the pope.)

Book burnings in general are totalitarian actions.  Milton said in his great plea for the freedom of the press, Areopagitica, something to the effect that one might just as well burn a man as burn a book.  To do that in this case just to be symbolic and for the very purpose of stirring up people who need to be calmed down is a violation of the love of neighbor.  Not to mention the love of one’s enemy.

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