Like cats and dogs

Like cats and dogs September 9, 2010

Columnist Dana Milibank riffs on an analogy:

President Obama complained this week that his opponents “talk about me like a dog.”

No! Bad Republicans! Drop it! Now sit, stay — and listen: The president is not a dog, and it is insulting to talk about him as such. The president is a cat.

Dogs travel in packs and are easily led. They communicate by snarling, growling and snapping. They tend to bark and howl all at once. They are disciplined and obey their masters. Left unsupervised for long periods, they will destroy the house. They are, in other words, Republicans.

Cats, by contrast, are solitary, finicky and independent. They refuse to be herded and they hide under furniture when feeling threatened. They are not easily trained and rarely come when called. They are furtive and skittish. They are, in other words, Democrats.

via Democats, on the run from Republicanines.

Can you think of other analogies to make sense of our current political terrain?

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