Cranach is in a list of top 50 blogs

Cranach is in a list of top 50 blogs November 23, 2010

Joe Carter at the First Things blog lists what he considers the top 50 blogs of the year.  And this  blog is one of them.

With an estimated 200 million active blogs written in the English language, choosing the best blogs of the year is a daunting task.

Fortunately, I know which ones they are.

Listed below are the top 50 blogs that I have found to be the most convicting, enlightening, frustrating, illuminating, maddening, stimulating, right-on and/or wrongheaded during 2010.

The selection process is, by necessity, intensely personal and unapologetically subjective. There are a number of blogs that are written by brilliant thinkers and stylists yet, for one reason or another, have not captured my imagination in the way that the blogs on this list have done.

via The Best Blogs of 2010 » First Thoughts | A First Things Blog.

Joe Carter was one of the pioneering Christian bloggers with his Evangelical Outpost, so his praise means a lot.  As he explains, his list focuses on blogs that deal in religion, culture, and/or politics–as First Things does–and so leaves out a lot of categories.  You’ll want to check out the whole list.  Some of them I already read regularly, but many are new to me, and they are probably worth reading also.

I do appreciate being numbered in their company, and you commenters deserve to get in on the honor.

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