Why “socialist” gets spam filtered

Why “socialist” gets spam filtered December 1, 2010

tODD has solved the mystery of why comments on this blog that mention “socialism” or its variants get treated like spam, exiled into a spam world until they are “released” whenever I think to check it.   Look closely at that word.  Specifically its third through sixth letters.  Do you notice the brand name of a “male enhancement product”?  One that is marketed on obnoxious TV commercials and is sold through shady internet sites?  The word is ubiquitous in spam, and any good spam filter is going to filter it out.

So WordPress–or rather, the spam filter Akismet–is NOT a Republican who does not want that anti-free-enterprise economic system brought up, and it is NOT a Democrat who does not want the current president to be accused of subscribing to that theory.  It is just rightfully squeamish and suspicious of male enhancement peddlers.

I would think this would be an issue with virtually all blogs, though.  This is a genuine inhibitor of political speech, one that should be very frustrating for leftists conspiring to bring on the great proletarian revolution.

P.S.:  My brother’s first big comment the other day got caught in the spam filter because he used the word “socialist.”  Yesterday he got another comment blocked because he used the word “specialist,” which has the same problem!  Do see what he has to say on the Medicare post, along with my rejoinder.  I think we found the solution.
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