Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, which ran 2012 ads (paid for with designated funds from donors) supporting a North Carolina amendment that banned same-sex marriage and urging voters to consider candidates based on “biblical principles and support of Israel.” It was audited in October 2012.
Catholic League, conservative advocacy group, which says it was targeted shortly after the 2008 election of President Obama. Bill Donohue, the group’s president, said the IRS determined it “intervened in a political campaign,” but the group kept its tax-exempt status.
Catholics United Education Fund, an affiliate of the progressive Catholics United, which had an application that “languished for years” before its registration was approved.
Christian Voices for Life, a group based in Fort Bend County, Texas, which suffered delays in its application for tax-exempt status in 2011, the Thomas More Society said.
Coalition for Life of Iowa, which says it promotes “respect for human life … through prayer, education and raising awareness,” faced delays before getting its tax-exempt status in 2009, said the Thomas More Society.
Family Talk Action, the advocacy arm of James Dobson’s Family Talk, said its application for 501(c)(4) status was delayed and questioned between 2011 and 2013.
Samaritan’s Purse, which was audited in October 2012. Its president, Franklin Graham, wrote a letter to President Obama calling the audit, and that of the BGEA, “un-American.”
Z Street, a conservative Jewish organization, which has a July 2 hearing in U.S. district court after it sued the IRS for viewpoint discrimination.
HT: Mollie (and read her story, which goes into more detail about this)