What’s out and what’s in

What’s out and what’s in January 1, 2014

The Washington Post has an annual New Year’s feature listing what’s “out” from the previous year and what’s “in” for the year to come.  Many of us are so removed from fashion that we have no idea what the style mavens are talking about for either year.  Here is the list for 2013/2014 (you can click at least some of the items to see what they are referring to):  The 2014 In/Out List – The Washington Post.

If we don’t like this list, let’s make up one of our own.  What seemed cool and trendy in 2013 that now seems utterly lame and embarrassing?  What should replace them?  Put another way, what in 2013 are you completely sick of?  And what would you like to see instead?

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Why Are So Few “Nones” Atheists?
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Why Are So Few “Nones” Atheists?

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