Source for Christian Art & Design

Source for Christian Art & Design November 18, 2014

Some Christian artists, of the confessional Lutheran variety, tired of schlocky and doctrinally vapid Christian cards and gifts, have put together a website that offers an alternative:  Ad Crucem ☩ Christian Art & Design with Discernment ☩ To The Cross with Art & Word!.

From About Us:

Ad Crucem (Latin for “to the Cross”) grew out of our frustration with the tacky Christian gifts market that doesn’t look a whole lot different from the local party or dollar store. Since we could not find gifts that were appropriate for Christians who seek to know nothing but Christ and Him crucified, we set out to create and source our own products.

One of the blessings is being able to support local artists, designers and printers through our commissioned projects. We welcome contact from artists. We are looking for accomplished sculptors and illustrators. If you have something you believe would be a good fit for Ad Crucem contact us via info AT ad crucem DOT com.

We would love to hear from you about what else you would like to see in catalog.

[Keep reading. . .]

Here you can find everything from liturgical arts to Christmas and other greeting cards, also jewelry and certificates and paintings and all kinds of other things.

They carry the work of Kelly Klages, Edward Riojas, Fred Anchao, Tanya Nevins, Kelly Schumacher, Jonathan Mayer, and are looking for more.


by Tanya Nevins:

Tanya Nevin Luther Rose Painting


HT:  Mary Moerbe




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