Advent do’s and don’t’s

Advent do’s and don’t’s December 2, 2014

More from Mollie Hemingway,  Forget The War On Christmas, The War On Advent Is Worse in The Federalist:

1) Advent is for preparation. Christmas is for partying. So that means Christmas parties should take place during Christmas. Christmas parties should not take place during Advent. You get 12 full days when hardly anyone is working to party all you want. Use them.

2) If you’re going to throw a secular party about sleigh bells ringing, don’t bother calling it a Christmas party. Christmas parties celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the incarnate God. Your candy cane festival detached from anything tangibly related to God is not going to be hurt by being called a holiday hoe-down, ok?

3) If you are going to host a “Christmas” party during Advent, be mindful that many traditional Christians go to Advent services on Wednesdays. So pick a different day of the week for your glutton-fest during a time ostensibly set aside for fasting and prayer. (Feel free at this point to mentally imagine Dana Carvey doing a Church Lady riff on the similarities in the names ‘Santa’ and ‘Satan.’)

4) Don’t buy Christmas decorations during the summer. I snapped this picture at the local Costco on August 25.  [See at the link.]  They’re only there because you people buy them (apart from the Say’s Law-type explanation, naturally).



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