Live-blog the Super Bowl

Live-blog the Super Bowl January 31, 2015

Here is where you can comment on the Super Bowl as the game is unfolding.  Comment on the plays, analyze what you see happening, complain about mistakes, talk trash, get into sports arguments, whatever you want.

"What is it that makes a "culture"? How is it transmitted and maintained? Why should ..."

The Loss of Language, Culture, & ..."
"You can't get rid of "culture" as long as humans are interacting with each other ..."

The Loss of Language, Culture, & ..."
""Pre-human" suggests a non-human, evolutionary stage. "Sub-human" would simply indicate "inferior" without denying humanity."

The Loss of Language, Culture, & ..."
"The notion of a “pre-human state of cognition” brought this Psalm to mind. While not ..."

The Loss of Language, Culture, & ..."

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