State of the Union

State of the Union January 21, 2015

So what did you think of President Obama’s State of the Union address?  Notice how the president is bolder just as his proposals have less of a chance passing, thanks to the Republican domination of both houses of Congress.  And this higher energy liberalism is sending his popularity ratings back up.  But here is my question:  How would YOU describe the state of the union?

"I think it may be more than a 24 hour job. Maybe this guy took ..."

DISCUSSION: Cutting Off Their Own Heads
"Let's hope they restrain that impulse at least until the dead have been buried."

DISCUSSION: Cutting Off Their Own Heads
"You really think they aren't looking hard already, with every resource they've got??"

DISCUSSION: Cutting Off Their Own Heads
"It is. Maybe they will have to look a little harder."

DISCUSSION: Cutting Off Their Own Heads

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