Answering the Planned Parenthood defenders

Answering the Planned Parenthood defenders August 19, 2015

Megan Fox answers the Planned Parenthood defenders’ talking points, as promoted on a recent viral video, in the course of which I learned some new things.  Planned Parenthood doesn’t give away contraceptives; it sells them.  It doesn’t do cancer screenings.  And although it may be that  only 3% of its business comes from abortion, 90% of their profits do.  Also, fetal tissue research has NOT resulted in any medical breakthroughs.

From Megan Fox, Rebecca Watson: “Planned Parenthood is Not Selling Baby Parts, You F*cking Idiots” | PJ Lifestyle:

An unknown (not for long) blogger by the name of “SkepChick” (or Rebecca Watson) has written a profanity-laced screed titled “Planned Parenthood is Not Selling Baby Parts, You F*cking Idiots,” accompanied by a snarky video to defend the scavenging of aborted baby organs by Planned Parenthood that by now, we have all seen on undercover video. Chunky hipster glasses aside, her explanation for what you have seen is one of the ugliest yet. This is the classic “You didn’t see what you thought you saw so forget you saw it and believe me instead” explanation of the Left. They have done this successfully so many times that they think it’s going to work again. It’s not. Here are the reasons this article and Watson’s crappy lie-filled defense are going to flop…spectacularly.

[Keep reading. . .]

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