Ted Cruz on Christianity, Christians on Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz on Christianity, Christians on Ted Cruz January 20, 2016

Ted Cruz, like Donald Trump, is also talking a lot about Christianity.  He says, “we should not be ashamed of Christ,” begins his campaign appearances with prayer, and regularly cites 2 Chronicles 7:14.  See details after the jump.  Does he go too far in mingling Christianity and politics?

From Gromer Jeffers, Jr.,  Even in less evangelical New Hampshire, Ted Cruz sticking to religion | Dallas Morning News:

Sen. Ted Cruz’s campaign for president has featured strong references to faith and Christianity, which he says will help restore the country to greatness.

The Texas senator and son of a Carrollton pastor is sticking to religion, even in New Hampshire. The voting population there is heavy with libertarians and is not as influenced by evangelicals as the small towns in Iowa, where Cruz has had success in the polls.

“For too long there has been a spirit of fear and timidity in Washington,” Cruz told The Dallas Morning News on the second day of his New Hampshire tour. “We should not be ashamed of Christ. We should be willing to speak the truth with a smile.”

Cruz said the nation must return to its Judeo-Christian roots.

“Pulling this country back from the cliff we’re facing will require us remembering who we are, rediscovering those values that built America in the first place,” he said. . . .

Cruz was campaigning on Martin Luther King Jr.’s comemorative holiday, which nearly went unnoticed. After being asked about it by a voter, Cruz addressed the slain civil rights leader’s legacy.

“Dr. King’s legacy is powerful in many respects, but one is very, very clear. That is the power of speaking the truth in the face of evil, in the face of racism, in the face of bigotry, standing up and speaking the truth with love and a smile has changed the course of history in the country,” Cruz said. “By standing up and speaking the truth, we can restore the arc of history, the arc of America so it once again bends toward justice and not away from the values that built our country.”

At every point on his tour, Cruz asked voters to pray for him and the country, using one of Ronald Reagan’s favorite Bible verses, 2 Chronicles 7:14, as inspiration.

“If my people, which are called by my name, would humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear their prayers and will forgive their sins and I will heal their land,” he said.[Keep reading. . .] 

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