Clinton wants to reveal Area 51 secrets

Clinton wants to reveal Area 51 secrets April 1, 2016

[NOT AN APRIL FOOL’S JOKE!]  Hillary Clinton announces her policy on undocumented aliens.

From Hillary Wants To Reveal Area 51 Secrets | The Daily Caller:

Hillary Clinton says barring any national security risk, she would like to open up the government files on Area 51 to the public if she is elected president.

“I would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much of that public as possible,” she told Jimmy Kimmel Thursday night on his late night ABC talk show. “If there’s nothing there, let’s tell people there’s nothing there.”. . .

Area 51 is an Air Force facility in Nevada that was only recently acknowledged by the U.S. government. Some conspiracy theorists believe it is where the government houses secret information about aliens and UFOs.

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