If Clinton drops out, Democrats want Sanders

If Clinton drops out, Democrats want Sanders September 19, 2016

What would happen if Hillary Clinton really is having serious health problems to the point of having to drop out of the race?  I’m not saying she is or that this is likely, but it’s an interesting mental experiment.  Donald Trump, who is 70, could also have a breakdown that could force him to withdraw.

If the party’s candidate can no longer run, the Democratic National Committee would choose a replacement.  The same holds true in the Republican party, though the RNC could choose to reconvene the convention delegates, an option not available for the Democrats.  The national committees consist of members from each state.  The Democratic National Committee has some 300 members; the Republican counterpart has 150.

A Rasmussen survey has found that in the event of Clinton dropping out of the race, 48% of Democrats would want her replaced with Bernie Sanders.

Discussion questions:  Conservatives, isn’t Clinton more conservative than Sanders?  Do you think she would make a better president than Sanders would?  NeverTrumpers, would you vote for Sanders over Trump?

From Which Democrat Should Replace Hillary? – Rasmussen Reports™:

Suppose the unthinkable took place, and Hillary Clinton was forced for health reasons to step down as the Democratic presidential nominee. Who do Democrats think should take her place?

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 48% of Likely Democratic Voters believe Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, Clinton’s primary rival, should be their party’s nominee if health issues forced her out of the race. Twenty-two percent (22%) say Vice President Joe Biden should be the nominee, while only 14% opt for Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, the current Democratic vice presidential candidate. Nine percent (9%) of Democrats think it should be someone else. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Among all likely voters, it’s a closer contest. Thirty-six percent (36%) choose Sanders, 20% Biden and 14% Kaine. But 21% think the Democratic nominee should be someone else.

[Keep reading. . .] 

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