Terrorism hits a concert

Terrorism hits a concert May 23, 2017


An explosion killed at least 19 and injured 50 at a concert by American pop star Ariana Grande in Manchester, England.

Police are treating it as an act of terrorism.  They suspect a suicide bomber.

There are so many places where large numbers of people gather–concerts, sporting events, shopping centers, churches–and are thus good targets for terrorists.  May God preserve us and thwart the evil counsels!

UPDATE:  Isis claims responsibility.  Police say the perpetrator died in the blast, but they have arrested another individual in connection with the attack.  The death toll has risen to 22, mostly teenagers and children.  (Ariana Grande got her start on Nickelodeon.)

UPDATE:  The suicide bomber has been identified as 23-year-old Salman Abedi.  The concert had security, but the terrorist evaded it by setting himself off just outside the entrance to the concert.

From Ariana Grande concert explosion: At least 19 dead in ‘terrorist incident’ at Manchester Arena – The Washington Post:

An explosion at a pop concert in the northern English city of Manchester late Monday night left at least 19 people dead and around 50 others injured, according to police.

“This is currently being treated as a terrorist incident until police know otherwise,” the Greater Manchester Police said in a statement.

Witnesses interviewed by the BBC reported hearing a loud blast following a performance by American pop singer Ariana Grande at Manchester Arena. Police said the blast occurred just around 10:30 p.m.

Initial evidence at the scene suggested the attack may have been a suicide bombing, according to two U.S. security officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation. British authorities, who were meeting in emergency sessions across Manchester and London, did not immediately confirm those reports.

If confirmed as a terrorist attack, it will be the worst strike on British soil since 2005, when bombers killed 54 people on London trains and buses.

[Keep reading. . .]


Photo of Ariana Grande concert by Berisik Radio.com [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

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