National legalization of marijuana as the next big political issue

National legalization of marijuana as the next big political issue August 15, 2017

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Shaping up to be the next big political issue:  legalizing marijuana nationally.

Currently, eight states have legalized the recreational use of the drug (Colorado, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Alaska, Maine, and Massachusetts, plus the District of Columbia).  Twenty-nine states have legalized marijuana for medical uses.  But the federal laws against it stand in the way of marijuana becoming a full-fledged industry in those states, even though the federal laws are not being enforced there.

But the push for legalization on the national level has become more than just allowing states to decide the issue.

Potential Democratic candidates for the 2020 election are lining up in support of national legalization.  Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Kirsten Gillibrand–as well as libertarian Republican Rand Paul–are for it.

And one Democratic candidate, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, is making it his issue.  He has already introduced legislation called the “Marijuana Justice Act.”  It would not only clear away the federal anti-marijuana laws.  It would also pressure states to change their anti-drug laws.  The bill would cut off federal prison funds to states if they incarcerate too many minorities for marijuana violations; expunge federal convictions for marijuana crimes; and mandate new sentencing hearings for people in prison for marijuana offenses.

President Trump has expressed support for legalized medical marijuana, but Attorney General Jeff Sessions not only opposes that but wants to enforce the federal laws despite what states have passed.  He has written letters outlining his concern to various governors of states that have legalized the weed.

Polls show that 61% of American voters support legalizing marijuana.

Prediction:  Legalization nation-wide is going to happen, with the support of libertarian-leaning Republicans, who will move to prevent it from becoming a popular Democratic issue.

Does this bother you?  Should socially conservative Christians start organizing to try to stop it?  Or just let it go?

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