Adding Heterosexuals to the LGBT Category

Adding Heterosexuals to the LGBT Category February 7, 2018

It’s being reported that some activists want to expand the LGBT category so that it reads LGBTQQICAPF2K+.That needs to be done in order to be inclusive.  This broader category is so inclusive that it includes heterosexuals.

Here is what the new proposed acronym stands for:

L – lesbian

G – gay

B – bisexual

T – transgender

Q – queer

Q – questioning

I – intersex

C – curious

A – asexual

A – agender

A – ally

P – pansexual

P – polysexual

F – friends and family

2 – two-spirit

K – kink

+–the possibility of more, to be added later

The idea is to bring in everyone whose sexual preferences go beyond normal procreative sex.  This includes “kinks”; that is, people with “kinky” tastes, such as, I suppose, fans of the Shades of Gray series.

But it also includes “friends and family.”  Supportive family members of gay people, as well as “kinks,” etc., get to be counted as members of the group.  Also their friends, heterosexual though they be.  Also an “ally,” someone who supports the LGBT+ agenda, is welcomed into. the group, even if he or she is into normal procreative sex.

Is this expansion of the category an initiative of heterosexuals who yearn to identify with this once-maligned, once-persecuted, but now highly-respected group?  A way for heterosexuals to get in on gay people’s new status as sympathetic victims turned  politically-correct paragons of virtue?

Or is it another example of “inclusion” as a supreme value?  In some circles, such as Generation Z (as we have said), inclusion is the one virtue to rule them all.  Boy Scouts must be inclusive and so must admit girls.  Women’s groups to be inclusive must include men who identify as women.  Campus Christian organizations to be inclusive must permit unbelievers to be officers.

I have had gay friends.  If this new broadened category finds acceptance, I can wrap myself in their victim status and claim all of the rights and privileges thereof.  But I don’t think I would take advantage of this opportunity.  I wouldn’t want people to think I was a kink.


Illustration, Straight and Supportive Flag, by Xxmandyx91xx (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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