Your Predictions for 2023

Your Predictions for 2023 December 30, 2022

Yesterday we reviewed the predictions we made a year ago for what we thought would happen in 2022, giving the coveted Gluten Free Award, named after the reader who has the handle BernankeIsGlutenFree, who made the best prediction of them all when he predicted in the waning days of 2019 that in 2020, this would happen:

A “new” infectious disease originating in Asia or Africa will kill at least 150 people in North America and/or Europe before being contained (think SARS).

He predicted COVID!  Top that!

Today we invite you to make predictions for 2023.  We will check them at the end of that year and bestow the virtual, meta, non-existent Gluten Free Award for the best prognostication.

Here are the instructions from last year and the years before that:

The custom on this blog on New Year’s Day is for readers to predict what they think will happen over the course of the year ahead. Then, once the year is over, on or around the next New Year’s Eve, we will revisit those predictions and see who made the best one. . . .

The predictions can be weighty or light, serious or whimsical. Winning predictions will likely be highly specific. They tend to seem highly unlikely at the time they are made, but then, to our surprise, they happen anyway. The winning prediction makes us think, “How could anyone possibly know THAT was going to happen?”

This year, since the New Year’s festivities are happening over the weekend, we are shifting the timing of these posts, which are free and open to all.

I also add this disclaimer:  “Don’t be afraid to be wrong.  These are predictions, not prophecies that claim supernatural authority.  We’re not talking about  the Deuteronomy 18:21-22 principle.”

I’ll go first, hoping and praying that I’m wrong and that I lose:

  1. Vladimir Putin will explode a nuclear weapon in his war with Ukraine.
  2. This will not result in a world-destroying nuclear exchange, but it will shock and appall the world.
  3. The war will stop, but the attack will lead soon after to Putin’s assassination, either by his fellow Russians or by NATO forces.

I hope my thinking about my predictions won’t kill the buzz of your New Year’s celebrations, but that’s how dangerous I think the current situation is.  You can take consolation in the fact that, historically, I am usually wrong in my predictions.

Now your turn. . . .


Illustration:  “Trippy Happy New Year 2023” by j4p4n via OpenClipArt, Public Domain


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