DISCUSSION: New Towers of Babel

DISCUSSION: New Towers of Babel March 10, 2023

My friend the Lutheran novelist Fred Baue sent me a great quote from the Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky:

Socialism is not just a question of labor organization; it is above all an atheistic phenomenon, the modern manifestation of atheism, one more tower of Babel built without God, not in order to reach out toward heaven from earth, but to bring heaven down to earth.   

Dostoevsky, Fyodor, transl. Andrew R. MacAndrew. The Brothers Karamazov. [1880] New York, NY: Bantam Books, Bantam Classic Edition, 1981, p. 30.

By that definition, what are some other towers of Babel we are trying to erect?



"If I wanted to be "rude, prejudiced, and judgmental" I would have phrased my question ..."

DISCUSS: Not Voting
"You do look in the mirror ..."

DISCUSS: Not Voting
"Oh come on, reg. Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. /s"

Friday Miscellany, 10/18/24

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