Congress has passed a measure that would automatically register young Americans for the draft when they turn 18, just in case we ever need to conscript people for the military. This would include both men and women.
Anna Kaladish Reynolds has written an article3 entitled We Can’t Pretend The Sexes Are The Same Without Sending Women To War with the deck, “If our society accepts the faulty premise that there are no differences between men and women, women have no grounds for objecting to compulsory combat duty.”
And yet, they do. Even feminists do. She writes,
The people who are not excited about the changes to draft eligibility are the very people they affect most directly: young women. Polling data shows that while 67 percent of men over age 55 support making women eligible for the draft, only 40 percent of women under 30 do. While women like to pay lip service to radical equality with men and the baseless idea that there are no differences between the sexes, when they might get called up for combat, they have a different opinion.
Should women be included in any future military draft?