The largest Protestant denominations

The largest Protestant denominations April 4, 2013

New statistics have been released giving the largest Protestant denominations.  We Missouri Synod Lutherans are #11 with 2.3 million members.  That’s more than the Episcopalians (#12 with 2 milllion), though they get all the attention.  If you add up the two biggest Lutheran groups (the ELCA being #5 with 4.5 million), we’d come in at #3.  That’s lots more than explicitly Calvinist groups, though they have seem to have the most influence.  Then again, the denomination of not having a denomination has some 12.2 million members, which would make it #2.

See the list of the top 15 after the jump.  What can we conclude from this list, if anything?

1. Southern Baptist Convention: 16.2 million members

2. The United Methodist Church: 7.8 million members

3. The Church of God in Christ: 5.5 million members

4. National Baptist Convention: 5.0 million members

5. Evangelical Lutheran Church, U.S.A.: 4.5 million members

6. National Baptist Convention of America: 3.5 million members

7. Assemblies of God: 2.9 million members

8. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.): 2.8 million members

9. African Methodist Episcopal Church: 2.5 million members

10. National Missionary Baptist Convention of America: 2.5 million members

11. The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS): 2.3 million members

12. The Episcopal Church: 2.0 million members

13. Churches of Christ: 1.6 million members

14. Pentecostal Assemblies of the World: 1.5 million members

15. The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church: 1.4 million members

via The 15 Largest Protestant Denominations in the United States.

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