My favorite American Idol contestant so far

My favorite American Idol contestant so far January 14, 2010

Has got to be Maddy Curtis, a 16 year-old in a family twelve kids, four of whom have Down’s Syndrome, three of whom the family adopted. She sang a beautiful, expressive rendition of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah,” which blew the judges away, whereupon they advanced her to Hollywood. After rendering my verdict that she was my favorite, upon watching the performance a second time, I saw that she is from Bluemont, Virginia, just 8 miles away from where we live! Judge for yourself. At first this video shows the human interest stuff, which is very touching, with the performance at the end.

I like the comments. She has an “old soul.” She is one of the few 16-year-olds who auditioned who isn’t annoying.

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