April Fool’s Day central

April Fool’s Day central April 1, 2014

This is April Fool’s Day.  We don’t do pranks with phony posts here at the Cranach blog.  But we are willing to serve as a clearing house for reports of pranks.  If you come across any on the internet or elsewhere, please tell us about them, including a link when possible.

"The Guttmacher Institute has claimed in the past that around a quarter of US women ..."

Abortion Supply and Demand
"Where do you get that 25% statistic? I am not saying that I know better, ..."

Abortion Supply and Demand
"OK, I read it. But what strikes me about it is the the complete lack ..."

Abortion Supply and Demand
"I agree in the sense that America is too far gone for elections to improve ..."

Abortion Supply and Demand

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