Big local government

Big local government March 27, 2015

Conservatives complain about Big Government, saying that huge, distant, super-powerful centralized government should often give way to decentralized state and local governments.  But what about when local governments do what big centralized government does?  That has become an issue in Texas. . . .

From Kate Scanlon, Texas State Leaders Attack Local Governments for Going Big, The Daily Signal:

They say everything is bigger in Texas. Some argue that the saying even applies to the state’s local governments.

Conservatives often contend that more decision making should be done at the local level, but what if local governments overreach their authority?

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, has been vocal about his opposition to what he characterizes as an overabundance of regulations implemented at the local level in his state.

During remarks at the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s 13th annual Policy Orientation in January, Abbott said that “the truth is, Texas is being California-ized with bag bans, fracking bans, tree-cutting bans…We are forming a patchwork quilt of bans and rules and regulations that are eroding the Texas Model.”

“Large cities that represent about 75 percent of the population in this state are doing this to us. Unchecked over-regulation by cities will turn the Texas miracle into the California nightmare,” Abbott continued.

[Keep reading. . .]

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