Czech Republic tells citizens to arm themselves

Czech Republic tells citizens to arm themselves January 17, 2017

Cz805The Czech Republic, perhaps the most pro-gun nation in Europe, has called on its citizens to arm themselves as a line of defense against terrorists.

Meanwhile, the former Soviet satellite has been battling the European Union, of which it is a member, which has been trying to pass more gun restrictions.  With the help of Finland, Germany, and various national “right wing” groups, the measure was weakened.  But the version that passed will still force member nations, including the Czechs, to impose a ban on “military-style” firearms and to require gun buyers to pass “psychological checks.”

Nevertheless, the Czechs are considering a constitutional amendment to strengthen gun rights.

From Amanda Erickson, Czech government tells its citizens how to fight terrorists: Shoot them yourselves – The Washington Post:

A couple of months ago, Czech President Milos Zeman made an unusual request: He urged citizens to arm themselves against a possible “super-Holocaust” carried out by Muslim terrorists.

Never mind that there are fewer than 4,000 Muslims in this country of 10 million people — gun purchases spiked. One shop owner in East Bohemia, a region in the northern center of the Czech Republic, told a local paper that people were scared of a “wave of Islamists.”

Now the country’s interior ministry is pushing a constitutional change that would let citizens use guns against terrorists. Proponents say this could save lives if an attack occurs and police are delayed or unable to make their way to the scene. To become law, Parliament must approve the proposal; they’ll vote in the coming months.

The Czech Republic already has some of the most lenient gun policies in Europe. It’s home to about 800,000 registered firearms and 300,000 people with gun licenses. Obtaining a weapon is relatively easy: Residents must be 21, pass a gun knowledge check and have no criminal record. By law, Czechs can use their weapons to protect their property or when in danger, although they need to prove they faced a real threat.

This puts the country at odds with much of Europe, which has long supported much more stringent gun-control measures.

[Keep reading. . .]


Photo of CZ 805 BREN [Czech-made assault rife] by Koky – Author, CC0,

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