Terrorist attacks UK parliament

Terrorist attacks UK parliament March 23, 2017

640px-Houses.of.parliament.overall.arpA terrorist drove through a crowd of pedestrians on London’s Westminster bridge, killing 2 and injuring 20.  He then ran into the Parliament building where he stabbed a police officer to death.  He was then shot and died in the hospital.

Prime Minister Theresa May was just 40 yards from the attacker.

The attack came one year after the terrorist attack on Brussels.

UPDATE:  The death toll has risen to 5.  The terrorists was driving at an estimated 70 m.p.h.  Authorities confirm that the motive was Islamic terrorism.  See this for more details, including information about the police officer who was killed.

UPDATE:  The death toll has been revised back down to 4, including the terrorist.  The injured now are numbered at 29, including an American in critical condition.  The terrorist was driving on a sidewalk.  He had been investigated earlier for terrorist ties.  Authorities have arrested seven (some sources say eight) additional suspects implicated in the attacks, which are being described as “ISIS-inspired.”  See this for updated details.

UPDATE:  Now the death toll is 5, after a hospitalized victim died.  The number of injured is now given a 50.  The terrorist was a Muslim convert.

Photo of UK Parliament buildings by Adrian Pingstone (talk · contribs) – Self-photographed, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=327144

From Parliament shooting: Man shot at Westminster bridge | Daily Mail Online:

Three people and a terrorist are dead after an attacker brought carnage to central London today, mowing down pedestrians on Westminster Bridge and hacking at police with knives in the grounds of the Houses of Parliament.

At least 20 people were hit when a 4×4 drove along the pavement on the crowded bridge, knocking down and seriously injuring pedestrians before crashing into a fence below Big Ben.

The killer, described by witnesses as ‘middle-aged and Asian’, then managed to break into the grounds of Parliament, where he fatally stabbed a police officer with two knives.

The policeman died at the scene. The attacker, who was shot by armed officers, died after he was taken to hospital.

It is currently believed one attacker was involved and he killed three people, including the policeman, and left at least 20 pedestrians and three other police officers seriously injured.

Prime Minister Theresa May was bundled into her car by a plain-clothes police officer and driven quickly from the scene as the attack unfolded. She will chair a meeting of the Government’s emergency Cobra Committee tonight.

Scotland Yard said the attack, which comes a year to the day after the terrorist atrocities in Brussels, is being treated ‘as a terrorist incident until we know otherwise’.

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