What They Are Saying About “Spirituality of the Cross,” 3rd edition

What They Are Saying About “Spirituality of the Cross,” 3rd edition April 23, 2021

I’m sorry for this crass commercialism in hyping the new version of my book Spirituality of the Cross:  The Way of the First Evangelicals–3rd Edition. It’s just that I want to get the word out about it.

You can tell the difference between the 3rd edition, which is 42% longer, and the earlier editions because that great painting of the crucifixion by George Rouault on the cover is about that much bigger than on the previous cover.  In fact, over the three editions, the depiction of Christ on the Cross keeps getting bigger and bigger, and rightly so:


One more thing, and then I’ll stop.  I want to share with you what has been said about the book by those who have written endorsements.  I appreciate these comments so much, not just for their kind words but for the way each writer “gets” what I am trying to do:

I remember the first time I opened the pages of Gene Veith’s book The Spirituality of the Cross in 2006. The theology and spirituality from the pages of this little book struck my ears with peculiarity and a strange comfort. At the time, my theology was like an unfinished puzzle—pieces were still scattered and disconnected. And so Veith’s book not only challenged many of my false presuppositions about the Christian faith but also aided me in constructing the rest of the unfinished theological puzzle. The Spirituality of the Cross helped show me a cohesive spirituality that is rooted in Christ and His gifts, flowing outward in the vocations that the Lord has prepared for me to walk in. I had a profound joy in first hearing that a third edition of Veith’s book was being released by Concordia Publishing House. Joy not only because I have an updated edition to rediscover again but also that there will be an updated edition for the next generation to discover. My young children and confirmation students thank you, Mr. Veith, for this wonderful book that they will read in the upcoming years. I pray that this third edition will be as beneficial to the next generation as the first edition was to me. —Rev. Dr. Matthew Richard, Author of “Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up? 12 False Christs,” Pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Minot, ND

Lutheran theology needs to rule the day. In it, one will not only find biblical fidelity, near company with the church ancient, but also the most comprehensive and relevant verbiage for contemporary quirks and concerns. The Spirituality of the Cross is for all those who are seeking the simplicity of God’s good news for humanity but structured in a systematic way that sticks. —Flame, Grammy-nominated Christian rap artist

Gene Edward Veith’s The Spirituality of the Cross is a must-read classic for every Lutheran—and everyone interested in what it means to be Lutheran! Lifelong Lutherans, recent converts, and outside observers alike will benefit tremendously from Veith’s straightforward and beautifully written outline of the key elements of the Lutheran faith. This new edition is even more relevant, insightful, and moving. Veith unceasingly points the reader back to the core of our Reformation faith: Christ, our God-made-man, for us. —Molly Lackey, author

Gene Veith has gifted every reader of The Spirituality of the Cross with an exceptional compendium of Lutheran theology and practice. Light bulbs go off for either understanding rich articles of the faith for the first time or, at the very least, learning to better express them. This volume liberates from the shackles of natural religion—moralism, speculation, mysticism—delivering the reader to “the power of God,” namely, “the word of the cross” (1 Corinthians. 1:18). The cross is indeed our theology. Christ still brings heaven to earth through His Word and Sacraments, as well as earthly vocations made holy through faith. — Rev. Alfonso Espinosa, PhD, Senior pastor, Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church of Irvine, CA

The Spirituality of the Cross is essential reading for all who desire meaningful Christianity in these otherwise meaningless modern times. Veith provides readers with an updated and expanded version of his classic exploration of what makes Lutheran theology unique and permanently relevant. Just as this edition reflects Veith’s own journey in the spirituality of the cross, I highly recommend this book to all who journey through this life longing for a stout spirituality of the cross. —A. Trevor Sutton, Author of “Being Lutheran” and “Why Should I Trust the Bible?”

And all of these folks who like my book are accomplished in many ways–click the links–and are much younger than I am.  They share this spirituality of the Cross, are conveying it to others today, and are carrying it forward in their vocations.

UPDATE:  Commenter Chris Brooks has noticed that the Kindle edition of my recent book Post-Christian:  A Guide to Contemporary Thought and Culture is on sale at Amazon for only $2.99.  That’s a savings of $22!  What a deal!  You can get it here.  (As of this moment, it ranks #1 in Amazon’s category of “Apologetics Christian Theology.”)  OK, now I’m done hawking my books.

Photo:  Cover of Extra Nos, by Flame

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