June 21, 2024

My mother died a few weeks ago.  She was 93, had Alzheimer's, was ready to go.  Some deaths are tragic; hers was poignant.  It made me very sad but also filled me with good memories and appreciation. I come to terms with things by writing about them, so please bear with me. I think you will find some more general applications.

June 21, 2024

Historians can debate when America was at its best.  Was it in the era of the nation's founding?  During World War II? The Sixties? Another way of looking at the issue is to ask, when was America at its best for you?  The usual answer, according to a study, is whenever you were eleven. Discuss the topic in either way.

June 20, 2024

I would like to commend to you as a Biblical patron saint of vocation Malchijah the son of Rechab, repairer of the Dung Gate.

June 19, 2024

Language is what makes culture and all human relationships possible.  We are seeing a broad based decline in language--not only the loss of the ability to read and write, but the also the ability to speak, listen, communicate, comprehend, and think. Nadya Williams argues that If we allow this trend to run its course, culture will be impossible and our very humanity will be at risk.

June 18, 2024

When we read about the brutality of totalitarian regimes--the Nazis, the Soviets, the North Koreans--we can hardly believe it.  How could people do such things--the re-education camps, the political executions, the extermination projects--to each other? Well, in our over-heated political and ideological polarization today, totalitarian impulses are manifesting themselves.

June 17, 2024

Baptists consider adopting the Nicene Creed.  Opinions are changing on transgenderism. And taking your parents to a job interview.

June 14, 2024

Aayan Hirsi Ali draws on the work of a KGB defector who testified about Soviet tactics of subversion, that is, weakening an opposing nation from within by undermining its values and turning its people against their own institutions. She shows how the stages of subversion are playing out in the West today, even in the apparent absence of an organized adversary.

June 14, 2024

Nearly half of Generation Z and over a quarter of internet users as a whole say that they have a "double life," projecting a different identity online than in their actual lives. Is this just innocent play acting, a sinister masquerade,  a kind of virtual schizophrenia, or what? 

June 13, 2024

In a debate with her New Atheist mentor Richard Dawkins, ex-Muslim, ex-atheist, new Christian convert Ayaan Hirsi Ali tells more about her faith, which--contrary to what some Christians worried about--is not just the embrace of a cultural religion necessary to preserve Western civilization, but a genuine faith in Jesus Christ.  And she coaxes some remarkable concessions from Dawkins.

June 12, 2024

According to Kohei Saito, capitalism creates economic growth, which puts ever-more carbon into the atmosphere.  Therefore, capitalism is ultimately responsible for the climate catastrophe that awaits us.The only way to avoid that is by reversing economic growth by abandoning capitalism for communism, which can also control people to force them to curb their environmentally-ruinous behavior.

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