December 21, 2007

When veterans of the Clinton administration went into academia, a number of them were shocked to find that despite their impeccable liberal politics, their new university colleagues considered them unacceptably right wing! On many campuses the faculty has more Marxists than Republicans. This has long

December 21, 2007

The British press is reporting that the head of the Church of England, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, said in an interview that the nativity story is just a a legend. What he really said is that the Wise Men weren’t kings, that they

December 21, 2007

Confounding the anti-natalists we talked about recently, the fertility rate in the USA has reached 2.1 children per woman, which means that Americans are, at long last, replacing themselves. This is good news, as other advanced industrial nations are struggling with low fertility rates that

December 20, 2007

G. K. Chesterton said that there is no such thing as an uninteresting subject. There can only be an uninterested person. His point was that EVERYTHING in this created order is, when seen properly, amazing. A corollary that I have long noted is that ANY

December 20, 2007

Time Magazine has named Russian strongman Vladimir Putin“Person of the Year.” The choice is attracting some criticism, though at least the magazine has named a, you know, person. As opposed to a computer, which they did not long ago, and what they did last time,

December 20, 2007

Peter Jackson, who directed “The Lord of the Rings” movies, has finally untangled some legal complexities and will start filming The Hobbit next year. He is splitting Tolkien’s novel into two separate films, with the first to be released in 2010 and the second in

December 19, 2007

Thanks again to Cheryl Banks for helping with the design and features of this blog. You can now buy books from EITHER Concordia Publishing House OR Amazon. We also have a box featuring the writings of my other colleague at the Cranach Institute, Angus Menuge,

December 19, 2007

The Tower of Babel must have been build in the style of one of those Babylonian ziggurats with the spiraled ramps. I get that picture when I read about what scientists today are doing with the spirals of DNA. From the “Washington Post” article Synthetic

December 19, 2007

I got to attend vespers at my wife’s school yesterday, a service held at the end of every school day. There is something powerfully moving about hearing little kid voices singing serious hymns (which they learn by heart) and chanting the liturgy. And the children

December 18, 2007

Mark Steyn writes about a new convergence of “pro-choicers” and environmentalists, a movement he calls anti-natalism: Here’s something new that took hold in the year 2007: A radical antihumanism, long present just below the surface, bobbed up and became explicit and respectable. In Britain, the

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