August 5, 2014

An urban legend is one of those fascinating and sometimes inspiring anecdotes that are presented as true, except they aren’t.  One of the ways they are often spread is by sermons.  Christian Journalist Bob Smietana had to promise his daughter to stop fact-checking the sermon

August 5, 2014

Progressives are outraged at the power over the government wielded by big corporations.  But, in a comment made in a column on a different subject, George Will observes that the big corporations wouldn’t have the power they do if it weren’t for the existence of

August 4, 2014

All Christians, including “non-liturgical” Christians, worship with a liturgy, in the sense of a predictable order of worship that reflects their theology.  The key question is what the liturgy is and what it means.  A new book is out on this subject by Yale worship

August 4, 2014

One of the  latest YouTube “challenges” is to rub alcohol on yourself, set yourself on fire, and then put yourself out before you get burnt up.  All the while filming yourself so that you can post it on video.  Needless to say, this is resulting

August 4, 2014

An outbreak of ebola, the horrific viral disease, has killed over 700 people in Africa.  It infected two American medical missionaries.  They had only one dose of a medicine that might help, whereupon the sick doctor self-sacrificially insisted that the other patient receive it.  Now

August 1, 2014

Carl Trueman argues that Christianity is going into a kind of cultural exile, and he tries to make the case that the church tradition best equipped to endure what awaits us is Reformed theology.  Rod Dreher counters by making the case for why his own

August 1, 2014

The internet, newspapers, and television news have been showing this photograph of Israel and Gaza from outer space, purporting to show the explosions from the war in that region: You know tODD, a super-commenter on this blog who specializes in throwing cold water on over-hyped

August 1, 2014

We have gone from one foreign policy extreme (waging wars to impose democracy on people who don’t want it and who have no cultural or religious foundation for it) to the other (projecting a weakness that has given us Islamic radicals taking over Iraq, Russian

July 31, 2014

The radical Iraqi Muslims that call themselves the Islamic State, a.k.a. ISIS, blew up a site that has been venerated for centuries as the tomb of Jonah.  This was in Mosul, the site of what used to be the Biblical city of Nineveh.  Some characterized

July 31, 2014

Some people, it is said, are cat people and others are dog people.  The same can be said of states and countries.  Some have more cats and some have more dogs.  After the jump, a discussion of the phenomenon and a link to some maps

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