July 23, 2014

Scientists admit that there has been no global warming between 1998 and 2013, even though the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has continued to increase.  A new study claims to account for this so-called “pause” in global warming.  It turns out, there are

July 22, 2014

Chad Bird lists six things that he does NOT want said at his funeral. (more…)

July 22, 2014

Some are saying a “Christian holocaust” may be on the verge of breaking out in Iraq.  Reportedly, the Islamic State/ISIS is painting an “N”–for “Nazarene”–on the homes of the Christians remaining in Mosul to mark them for whatever is going to come next.   Douglas Farrow

July 22, 2014

Gordon College, a respected Christian institution, is under fire for asking for a religious exemption from the president’s executive order that no one doing business with the government may discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation.  The Hobby Lobby decision allowing a religious exemption for

July 21, 2014

A Baylor study has found that people who attend churches that teach God’s presence in the workplace and the like have better job satisfaction, higher commitment to their work, and a stronger entrepreneurial spirit.  But is this really what the doctrine of vocation is all

July 21, 2014

According to the first large-scale study of the question, only 1.6% of American adults identified themselves as being gay or lesbian.  Almost half as many, .7%, said they were bisexual.  It had earlier been assumed that the percentage of homosexuals in the population was at

July 21, 2014

As Vladimir Putin blames Ukraine for shooting down the Malaysian Airliner and conspiracy theorists blame the Illuminati (all those “7s”:  A Boeing 777, flight MH-17, on 7/17), the evidence is building that ethnic Russian amateurs were playing with the toys that Moscow had sent to

July 21, 2014

The Islamic State–formerly known as the ISIS insurgents in Iraq–gave Christians in Mosul an ultimatum.  Any who had not left by Saturday would have to either convert to Islam, submit to the dhimmi contract (the tax and set of restrictions on non-Muslims according to Islamic

July 18, 2014

Drone warfare makes some people squirm for the ethical issues it raises, but right now drones are still controlled by human beings.  The upcoming technology, though, would make them autonomous, allowing them to make their own “decisions” about whether or not to kill.  To meet

July 18, 2014

A Malaysia Airline Boeing 777 was shot down over the Ukraine, killing 298 passengers and crew.  Most were Dutch and Australian.  As many as 23 may have been Americans.  [UPDATE:  Only one American has been identified.] The plane was reportedly brought down by a Russian

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