July 10, 2014

Last summer I blogged about what I consider to be possibly the best book on classical education, Simply Classical: A Beautiful Education for Any Child (Memoria Press).  It’s by Cheryl Swope, my fellow board member on the Consortium for Classical & Lutheran Education (whose conference

July 10, 2014

The Anglican Church of Australia has voted to amend the canon on confession, which traditionally has required ministers to observe total confidentiality when people confess their sins.  Now, if penitents confess a crime, the pastor will be expected to rat them out to the police.

July 10, 2014

Democrats in the Senate are fast-tracking a bill to reverse the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision.  The measure would say that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act would not apply to contraceptive coverage so that religious organizations would be forced to provide them. Though the Republican-controlled

July 9, 2014

Another powerful, helpful sermon from our pastor,  Rev. James Douthwaite, St. Athanasius Lutheran Church: Pentecost 4 Sermon: Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. That’s sounds good. In fact, that’s sounding particularly good to me today,

July 9, 2014

Put together the latest findings about the Higgs boson particle and the gravity waves that may have just been detected and, according to cosmologists, the universe should have ceased to exist just seconds after the Big Bang.  (more…)

July 9, 2014

As our attention has been focused on the meltdown in the Middle East, big problems have been emerging with China.  Reportedly emboldened by American weakness, China has been asserting its claims on hundreds of tiny islands in the East China sea, which are also claimed

July 8, 2014

The Church of England is revising its baptism liturgy to accommodate contemporary people who are offended to be addressed as sinners.  Also missing, along with the rich language of the Book of Common Prayer, is mention of the devil and the charge to bring children

July 8, 2014

The United States passed Saudi Arabia and Russia to become the world’s largest oil producer.  (Also the world’s largest natural gas producer.)  This is due to new technologies, such as shale extraction and fracking (which, however, has been linked to the epidemic of earthquakes in

July 8, 2014

Scientists played a recording of a chomping caterpillar to some plants, whereupon they produced an anti-caterpillar toxin to protect themselves.   Read about the study and its implications after the jump. (more…)

July 7, 2014

Check out this new website, which, in turn is a forum for a new ministry and resource group whose goal is nothing less than “igniting a second Reformation.”  It’s all about Lutheran apologetics–defending Christianity and specifically defending the teachings of the Lutheran Confessions.  Not just

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