July 2, 2014

Drones that can zap our enemies from above like Zeus throwing down thunderbolts would seem like a great anti-terrorism technology.   But we probably won’t like them as much when other countries–and terrorists–use them to assassinate people on our soil. But whatever you think of drone

July 2, 2014

Critics of the Supreme Court’s ruling that the Obamacare contraceptive mandate must include exemptions for business owners whose religion does not permit them to purchase birth control pills and possible abortifacients are howling with indignation.  Women are going to be prevented from having access to

July 1, 2014

Some churches that work hard to get people to “make a decision for Christ” never get around to baptizing them!   In fact, there are some ostensibly Christian bodies that don’t baptize at all.  And more that will baptize if someone asks for it, but most

July 1, 2014

Having conquered much of Syria and Iraq, the terrorist army known as ISIS has proclaimed the restoration of the Islamic caliphate.  The group’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is the new Caliph, to whom, as the successor of the Prophet Muhammad, all Muslims must submit.   ISIS

July 1, 2014

The left is up in arms over the Supreme Court’s decision that allows Christian-owned businesses to opt out of Obamacare’s requirement that they provide free contraception–including possible abortifacients like IUDs and the Morning After Pill–as part of all health insurance plans. The court applied the

June 30, 2014

From  News from The Associated Press: The Supreme Court says corporations can hold religious objections that allow them to opt out of the new health law requirement that they cover contraceptives for women. The justices’ 5-4 decision Monday is the first time that the high

June 30, 2014

Bishoy Armia Boulous converted from Islam to Christianity seven years ago and compounded his offense in the minds of most Egyptians by suing the government to give him a new Christian ID card.  Now he has been arrested–again–as a journalist for reporting on anti-Coptic violence

June 30, 2014

The men and women in our military, for various understandable reasons, smoke quite a bit more than the general public.  So our government has been launching campaigns of both persuasion and coercion to make our troops stop using tobacco. Whatever you think of the controversy,

June 30, 2014

Astronomers have discovered a white dwarf star–basically, the burnt-out remnant of a star–that basically consists of crystallized carbon.  In other words, diamond.  It’s a diamond the size of the earth.  “Twinkle, twinkle little star. . . .” (more…)

June 27, 2014

An update on Meeriam Ibrahim, the woman sentenced to death for refusing to renounce her Christianity in Sudan:  After being released on appeal, she had been re-arrested, along with her husband (an American citizen) and presumably their children, for trying to leave the country.  The

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