June 16, 2014

A new Pew study of the political polarization in this country has found some distinct cultural differences between liberals and conservatives.  Read about it after the jump, where I also offer some observations and propose something for us to discuss. (more…)

June 16, 2014

The U.S. trained and equipped Iraqi army is much bigger and better armed than the ISIS insurgents, but in combat they have been running away in droves.  So the chief Shi’ite cleric has called for volunteers and a reconstituting of the militias to fight back

June 13, 2014

Denmark passed a law requiring all churches to perform same-sex weddings.  Not just the state Lutheran church, all churches.  The news story on the subject has another interesting detail:  The government “church minister” who supervises the state  church and who pushed the law against Christian

June 13, 2014

The media reported that a supercomputer passed the Turing Test, a measure of artificial intelligence in which a computer can pass as a human being.  But it turns out that this is just one of the many examples tracked on this blog (as some of

June 13, 2014

The left stereotypes conservatives as the tools of big business, but, as I keep saying on this blog, there are many different kinds of conservatives, and a good many of them–especially the populists associated with the Tea Party– oppose powerful corporations for some of the

June 13, 2014

It looks like we are approaching the helicopter-on-the-roof phase in Iraq, as Americans are being evacuated as the rebel army moves closer and closer to Baghdad.  (To add insult to injury, the rebels are apparently making use of American equipment that was left behind.) But

June 12, 2014

Judas, according to John 12:6, was a thief, and Jesus knew everything he was up to (John 6:70).  So why did Jesus put him in charge of the money?  Jon Bloom offers an interesting meditation on this topic. (more…)

June 12, 2014

The controversial but very influential British theologian N. T. Wright is a liberal fellow on most issues.  But he does not believe in same sex marriage, which parliament just approved.  See his take on the issue after the jump. (more…)

June 12, 2014

The defeat of the House Majority Leader Eric Cantor–reportedly the first time someone holding that office has been ousted in a party primary–has Washington, D.C., in a state of shock.  (Cantor, who had been projected as a future successor to House Speaker John Boehner, has

June 12, 2014

Islamic radicals are scoring victory after victory over the Iraqi government left in place by departing American forces.   Tikrit, the hometown of Saddam Hussein,  is in rebel hands, as is  Mosul, the nation’s second largest city.  Now the insurgents are 70 miles away from Baghdad.

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