March 6, 2024

An anthopologist says that many of our contemporary assumptions are WEIRD; that is, Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich, Democratic. How this applies to woke secularism.

March 5, 2024

Google launched its much-hyped entry into large language Artificial Intelligence with Gemini, which can both tell you what you want to know and generate images. The result was a fiasco--but a revealing fiasco. Woke AI pushes postmodern assumptions to their logical conclusions, thus exposing their absurdity.

March 4, 2024

Who gets to have free speech?  Rejecting a church ad for "religious indoctrination."  And the illegal immigrants from China.

March 1, 2024

Some Protestants convert to Catholicism, according to a recent book, because of the failures of contemporary Protestantism, the sense that the Roman Catholic Church has something that today's evangelical congregations lack.

March 1, 2024

The Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos used in IVF clinics are children and so may not be destroyed.  Republicans are in a panic, falling all over themselves to repudiate the decision.  Well, aren't the human embryos children?  Shouldn't they be protected?  

February 29, 2024

British observer Mary Harrington thinks the United States is drifting back to the frame of mind that favors monarchy.  Not because of Donald Trump, but because of a shift in thinking that she sees in political operatives of both parties.

February 28, 2024

Getting rid of democracy is not just the agenda of radical political theorists.  Now grassroot political activists are saying as much. And elements of both parties are losing the mindset necessary for democracy.

February 27, 2024

A writer suggests that we adopt the medieval peasant mindset--not worrying about politics or keeping up with the news, focusing our attention on our local communities. I worry, though, that doing so will encourage our leaders to adopt the medieval nobility mindset.

February 26, 2024

Censoring both "old climate denial" and "new climate denial"; saving university education; and we're just tired of superhero movies.

February 23, 2024

Nearly two-thirds of the Nones are actually "nothing in particulars." And there is a difference, as a Pew study shows.

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