January 7, 2014

The big thing out of the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas?  Biometrics.  Eye-tracking devices to see what ads you pay attention to.  Mood-sensing ear buds.  Pupil dilation sensors to see how much you are “aroused.”  And, what I’m trying to get my mind

January 7, 2014

So if you want to buy an American car–out of a sense of economic patriotism, protectionism, or because you were moved by that Chrysler commercial about being “imported from Detroit”–does this mean buying a Chrysler product doesn’t count?  Does “buying American” allow for buying a

January 6, 2014

The atheist church we’ve blogged about, the Sunday Assembly, has split over doctrinal issues, worship style, and fellowship controversies.  The breakaway denomination is calling itself Godless Revival. (more…)

January 6, 2014

My 2013 prediction started coming true the week after I made it.  This time my 2014 prediction started coming true the day after I made it!  Al-Qaeda has taken Fallujah, the site of the most intense fighting in the Iraq war, and the U.S.-trained Iraqi

January 6, 2014

Fifty-five tax breaks have expired with the new year.  Some are clearly special-interest perks.  Others are time-honored staples, such as companies getting to deduct Research & Development expenses and tax incentives for wind power and energy-efficient appliances.  Others amount to broad-based tax increases. (more…)

January 6, 2014

Phil Everly, 74, died.  He and his brother Don formed the Everly Brothers, whose harmonies–characteristic of the “brother groups” in early country music–they  carried over into rock ‘n’ roll, serving as models for the Beatles, Beach Boys, the Byrds, and many others.  (Are there any

January 3, 2014

I stumbled across this Lutheranism FAQ put together by Steve Born, a convert to Lutheranism who bases it on the objections to Lutheranism and various  questions he received from his earlier Pentecostal co-religionists.  It includes topics often raised here, such as “how can Lutherans believe

January 3, 2014

However bad HealthCare.gov has been, much of Obamacare is now in effect with the turning of the new year.  You need to know what all applies now, so details after the jump. (more…)

January 3, 2014

Pope Francis is still confounding just about everybody, but here he articulates a striking concept.  After the jump he tells an anecdote about a Lutheran pastor and makes us realize what all Christians might be facing: Today there is an ecumenism of blood. In some

January 2, 2014

In checking out the predictions for last year, I came across a post I wrote with this lede: More doomsday predictions, this time from the Roman Catholic side! According to writings attributed to St. Malachy in 1139, pope #112 will be the last one, and

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