January 22, 2014

Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York often mentioned as an alternative to Hillary Clinton as a Democratic presidential candidate, doesn’t want pro-lifers, Second Amendment advocates, or believers in traditional sexual morality in his state.  Here is what he said on the radio: “Are they

January 22, 2014

The Winter Olympics begin February 7 in Sochi, Russia, and people are getting nervous over terrorism threats, anti-gay laws, the toilet situation, and whatever Vladimir Putin might do. Columnist Charles Lane argues that the Olympics have gotten too politicized, too expensive, too drug-saturated, too corrupt,

January 21, 2014

Mathew Block, communications director of the Lutheran Church Canada, posts about that article on the millennial generation yearning for liturgy and sacraments and joining “high church” congregations.  He asks, Why don’t more of these young Christians looking for liturgy end up in Lutheran churches? As

January 21, 2014

Yale constitutional law professor Jed Rubenfeld makes a distinction that, I think, advances the debate over government and corporate surveillance:  Privacy refers to the content of our communications, which is protected constitutionally.  But the fact of our communications, which the NSA is exploiting, is not. 

January 21, 2014

Filip Mazurczak reports that Eastern Europe is recovering its Christian identity, not only in personal conversions but also in cultural and legal influence. In Hungary, Croatia, and elsewhere in Eastern Europe, a pro-family, pro-life revolution and a rediscovery of Christian roots is occurring. While few

January 20, 2014

The New Life Church in Colorado Springs was one of the nation’s leading megachurches.  But then its pastor, Ted Haggard, was brought down in a sex and drug scandal.  Now the congregation is changing the way it is doing things.  Instead of trying to be

January 20, 2014

The Japanese soldier who held out in a Philippine jungle for 29 years after the end of World War II died.  Hiroo Onoda was 91.  Read his story–including why he finally turned himself in– after the jump. Would you say Lt. Onoda was an example

January 20, 2014

President Obama has given a speech in which he announced changes in the National Security Administration’s program of collecting and data-mining  phone and internet records.  Here are the changes, which seem pretty minor.  After the jump, an analysis of where things stand. (more…)

January 20, 2014

Alone yet not Alone is one of those small but ambitious “faith-based-films” that usually get little traction in the Hollywood world.  Some of my students and people I know here at Patrick Henry College worked on it.  But I don’t think anybody expected it to

January 17, 2014

Democratic operative Steve Rosenthal argues that America is becoming more liberal.   Do you think he is right? (more…)

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