November 8, 2013

Pope Francis and the Roman Catholic hierarchy are reportedly re-considering the practice of denying Communion to Catholics who have  divorced and remarried. Details after the jump.  Notice in the church debates over the issue how we can see Rome’s teaching that the Sacrament is for

November 7, 2013

My daughter, Deaconness Mary Moerbe, has just published a children’s book on vocation!  Luther was insistent that being a child is a vocation, that even very young children have callings from God.  This book shows kids how God serves them through other people (especially their

November 7, 2013

You know about speed dating.  A man and a woman sit down together for 3-8 minutes (depending on how it’s set up) to see if they hit it off, then move to a new table for 3-8 minutes with someone else.  Now there is speedfaithing,

November 7, 2013

Columnist Dana Milbank is a liberal supporter of Obamacare.  But he gives more details about the current roll-out debacle.  He goes so far as to make comparisons between Obama’s handling of his health care program and his predecessor’s handling of the Iraq war. (more…)

November 6, 2013

Virginians elected Democratic operative Terry McAuliffe, even though he had never held elective office, supports gun control, champions same-sex marriage, and is militantly pro-abortion.  The once-reliably Republican state picked him over the socially-conservative attorney general Ken Cuccinelli.  My prediction:  Terry McAuliffe, whose career has been

November 6, 2013

William Peter Blatty is the author of The Exorcist, a novel about demonic possession.  He also wrote the screenplay for the movie version, which is considered one of the scariest films of all time.  It turns out the former Hollywood comedy writer penned the novel

November 6, 2013

American foreign policy is in the toilet, with our adversaries not respecting us and our allies not trusting us.  Pundits here and abroad have been proclaiming the end of America’s global dominance.  And yet, if you factor out our government’s ineptitude, the United States has

November 5, 2013

Today is election day.  Mostly up for grabs are local and state races.  Voting has been called a “civic sacrament.”  The analogy is an imperfect one, and it applies only to democratic systems.  Some say that voting “doesn’t do any good,” which even if it

November 5, 2013

Nadia Bolz-Weber is a tattooed, non-conformist, cutting-edge kind of person.  She’s also a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, two strikes against her for us Missouri-Synod Lutherans.  But she has the ear of “progressive Christians.”  And the thing is, she preaches the Gospel.

November 5, 2013

An issue for election day:  One of the problems in our political system today is that Congressional districts have been drawn up to ensure that each one is a “safe seat” for the incumbent and a particular political party.  That means that voters almost never

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