December 2, 2009

Former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is a different kind of Christian conservative. Instead of coming across as just another right wing spear carrier for the Republican party, he brought to the table something that Christians in politics seemed to have been strangely lacking; namely, a

December 2, 2009

Atheists are expanding their advertising campaign, but Christians are developing a positive response: The American Humanist Association is expanding its “Godless Holiday” advertising campaign to five major American cities this Christmas — taking its message of a holiday season without religion nationwide for the first

December 1, 2009

Here is The Manhattan Declaration, “A Call of Christian Conscience” put together by over 150 Christian leaders: Christians, when they have lived up to the highest ideals of their faith, have defended the weak and vulnerable and worked tirelessly to protect and strengthen vital institutions

December 1, 2009

John Kleinig inGrace Upon Grace: Spirituality for Today understands that the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers is carried out in VOCATION: “There are two hidden sides to our secret vocation. First, we stand in for others before God the Father together with Christ.

December 1, 2009

One of our most common words is the greeting, “hello.” Do you know where that word came from? Did you know that it was once considered on the vulgar side, until it became redeemed by the telephone, which was once on its way to adopting

November 30, 2009

Advent is to Christmas as Lent is to Easter. That is, Advent and Lent are both penitential seasons–times to look at our lives under the Law, sober times of repentance and discipline that serve as preparation for the glorious celebrations of the Gospel that are

November 30, 2009

Eleven members of the Republican National Committee are circulating a resolution designed to keep Republicans conservative. Under the proposed plan, any candidate getting Republican party funding must agree to at least 8 of the 10 principles: (1) Smaller government, smaller national debt, lower deficits and

November 30, 2009

One of the illuminating qualities of the book I have been recommending, Grace Upon Grace: Spirituality for Today by John W. Kleinig, is its definitions of concepts that I thought I understood but in reality knew only superficially. For example: “Modern people tend to confuse

November 30, 2009

Charles Krauthammer is not against coming up with health insurance for those who do not have it, but he points out that the current bills are utterly incoherent, making a system that is already inefficient even more so: The United States has the best health

November 27, 2009

The Washington Post has a story about a single mother of three who made $15,000 a year as a daycare worker who managed in the real estate bubble to buy a house that cost $698,000, only, of course, to lose it. It’s a tale of

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